Aaron Hughes

From Kewanee Sports League
Revision as of 16:51, 30 May 2012 by APHughes (talk | contribs) (Playoffs and Championships, 2006-2011)
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Owner Information
Team Name the AmAzings
Established 2003
Active Yes
Best Season 9-4 (2007,2011)
Worst Season 4-10 (2005)
Divisional Titles 1 (2007)
Conference Titles 2 (2006, 2011)
KSL Championship 2 (2006, 2011)
Regular Season
2005 4-10
2006 6-8
2007 9-4
2008 6-6
2009 6-6
2010 8-5
2011 9-4
2012 0
Total 48-43 0.527%
2005 1-2
2006 3-0
2007 1-2
2008 2-2
2009 3-1
2010 0-3
2011 3-0
2012 0
Total 13-10 0.565%

Aaron Hughes is the 2006, 2011 KSL Champion. He entered the league in 2003 and has one of the best regular season and playoff record.

New to the league, 2003-2005

Aaron Hughes entered KSL in 2003 joining Mike Smith as the two additions that year. As with most teams, Aaron did poorly his first year in the league. Aaron started the year off in 6th place and stayed there all season long. 2003 was the year KSL moved to a point system to try out a different way of doing the scoring in fantasy football.

In 2004 Aaron did significantly better. Aaron was the Point leader from week 3-7 but was unable to stay on top and eventually finished 6th out of 8 owners.

In 2005, KSL moved back to the head-to-head style of play. Aaron had a rough start at 1-7. He went on to be the 8th seed and went up against the heavily favored #1 seed Dave Pate (12-2). Aaron was able to pull out a win but lost the next round to the future league champion Russ Hughes. Aaron finished 8th place in the regular season but went on to place 4th in the playoffs.

Playoffs and Championships, 2006-2011

2006 became a very productive year for Aaron. He finished 5th overall with a 6-8 record. Aaron took on Kevin first round of the playoffs and was able to beat him. In a grudge match, Aaron bested Blake to make it to the championship game. In a dramatic fashion, Aaron was able to beat Doug for the Championship.

In 2007 Aaron tied for the best record but finished 4th in the playoffs.

In 2008 Aaron ended up going far into the playoffs to only lose the conference championship game to the 2008 KSL Champion, Ryan.

In 2009 Aaron had a very similar season making it all the way to the conference championship but unable to make it back to the championship game.

In 2010 Aaron had an average season but he struggled in the playoffs. He ended up finishing 8th overall after losing 3 in a row.

2011 was the year Aaron made it back to the top of the pack. He finished with the 2nd best overall record and beat 3 of the toughest owners on his way to the title. This was Aaron's second KSL title in 5 years. It makes Aaron the second owner to win 2 championship; the first being Mike Smith. Aaron also won the Pickems Championship in 2011 making him the first owner to win multiple titles in the same year.

The Future, 2012-Present

Aaron is currently prepared to defend his title as Champion for the years to come.